Williams Instructional Materials


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Williams v. California is a class-action lawsuit filed in May 2000 claiming that the state's poorest children are being denied equal educational opportunities. Settlement of the lawsuit in August 2004 resulted in a package of laws — known as the "Williams legislation" — aimed at identifying and correcting impediments to student academic success spelled out in the lawsuit.

The laws seek to ensure that:

  • All students have access to standards-aligned instructional materials and textbooks.
  • All students have access to school facilities that are clean, safe, and functional.
  • Teachers are assigned and have the proper certification or training, particularly those in classrooms with 20 percent or more English Learners.
  • Verifying the accuracy of the School Accountability Report Card relevant to instructional materials, facilities maintenance, and teacher credentialing.
  • Ensuring the school district has a Uniform Complaint Policy, the proper notices are posted, and quarterly reports are submitted.
  • Reporting annually to the governing board of each school district, the County Board of Education, and the County Board of Supervisors on the schools.

The Williams legislation aims to identify and correct impediments to student academic success spelled out in the lawsuit. The new laws seek to ensure that all students have access to standards-aligned instructional materials and textbooks. 



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Williams Instructional Materials Unit


Francisco Jimenez

Project Director III

Division of Accountability, Support and Monitoring  

Williams Legislation-Instructional Materials 

562-922-8382 Office

562-922-8325 Fax


Veronica Cid

Secretary, Limited Term

Division of Accountability, Support and Monitoring  

Williams Legislation-Instructional Materials 

562-922-8382 Office

562-922-8325 Fax


Miriam Hernandez

Data Processing Specialist

Division of Accountability, Support and Monitoring  

Williams Legislation-Instructional Materials 

562-803-8246 Office

562-922-8325 Fax


Astrid Gonzalez-Gallon

Director I

Division of Accountability, Support and Monitoring  

Williams Legislation-Instructional Materials 

562-922-6393 Office
