School Attendance Review Board
What is SARB?
California compulsory education law requires everyone between the ages of six and eighteen years of age to attend school, except students who have graduated from high school or passed the California High School Proficiency Exam and obtained parental permission. Some students, however, violate compulsory education laws and have a pattern of unexcused absences. Although truancy and excessive absenteeism are not new problems, they cause costly, long-term problems for the students, school, and the community.
In 1974, the Legislature enacted California Education Code (EC) Section 48320 to enhance the enforcement of compulsory education laws and to divert students with school attendance or behavior problems from the juvenile justice system until all available resources have been exhausted. EC Section 48321 provides several organizational structures for School Attendance Review Boards (SARBs) at the local and county level to create a safety net for students with persistent attendance or behavior problems. Although the goal of SARBs is to keep students in school and provide them with a meaningful educational experience, SARBs do have the power, when necessary, to refer students and their parents or guardians to court. For more information on SARB click here Links to an external site..
The County SARB Team Offers Training in Multiple Options:
- Supervisors of Attendance & SARB Certification: In-person training offered each fall OR spring for first time participants:
- Who is required? SARB Chair, Supervisor of Attendance & School Attendance Review Team Designee
- Certification Renewals: Due every three years - Online or in-person trainings are available
- SARB Symposium: Model SARBs highlight best practices and Shirley Abrams TurnĀAround Award Recipients are honored
- Refresher Attendance Courses: Offered at individual school districts, attendance teams are to be scheduled with SARB Chairperson
The Shirley Abrams Scholarship Award
Shirley Abrams served as SARB and Homeless Education Program Coordinator in the Division of Student Support Services, here at LACOE for 20 years. Her advocacy for children and families was far reaching, and she was a well-respected expert on student attendance on the state and national level. Shirley served on the California State SARB and the Shirley Abrams Scholarship Award was established in her honor in 2012. Today it is known as the Shirley Abrams Turn-Around Award, which recognizes students who have improved their attendance following their participation at the district SARB meeting.
To apply for the Shirley Abrams Turn-Around Award, please complete the application form: ADD LINK
SARB Testimonials
Luca - Redondo Beach Unified School District
Luca was suffering from a sleep disorder that was a puzzle to his parents and not an intentional means to skip school. Luca actually tried to stay up all night to avoid not being able to wake himself in the morning, but to no avail. After Luca and his family worked with SARB, he was able to get the proper health care and medications to function and attend school. He is pleased that SARB was a positive resource and he was our very first recipient for the SARB Symposium Awards. Luca has a bright future ahead of him.
Alyse - Walnut Valley Unified School District
Alyse was awarded the Attendance Improvement Award from Walnut Valley Unified School District in May, 2017. Alyse was avoiding school because she did not want to be called out of class for special education testing, yet she also did not want to cause attendance meetings for her parents. SARB helped Alyse and her family to keep their dreams alive and get through any obstacles presented. Alyse achieved her goal to be the first to attend university in her family, majoring in early childhood studies. She graduated from Walnut High School with honors.
Lani - Rowland Unified School District
Lani was awarded the Attendance Improvement Award from Rowland Unified School District in May, 2017. She explains how she overcame an unexpected change in residence. Lani learned to set a positive example for her younger sister. She graduated from Nogales High School on time with honors and was able to continue on her path toward a better future. Lani has enrolled in a four-year university and hopes to continue on her pathway to success. She is thankful for the SARB experience that helped her make positive choices.
Julianna - Glendale Unified School District
Julianna was awarded the Attendance Improvement Award from Glendale Unified School District in May, 2018. She experienced school anxiety and was physically ill when it came time to prepare for school. Julianna explains that the SARB board members encouraged her to attend school on time each day and she could check in with the school nurse, if needed. Her family is thankful that Julianna was able to attend the SARB meeting and receive the encouragement she needed to continue on the pathway to attending school every day and on time.
Giovanna - Glendale Unified School District
Giovanna slipped into a habit of being late and fell behind in classes. She then started to skip classes to avoid the difficulty she was finding in reconnecting. After attending SARB, seeing the supports from the school and the disappointment from her mother, Giovanna made a conscious effort to change her habits. As a result, her mother was pleased, her school supports continued, and she now is doing very well in school overall. If SARB had not stepped in to make a difference, Giovanna was headed down a path of failure. She can now say her habits are helping her to be a success.
Lillian - El Rancho Unified School District
Lillian took on the role of parent for her younger siblings when her mother became more absent in the home. Lillian was great at taking care of others, but neglected herself. As a result of attending SARB, Lillian changed her pattern and was able to set a good example for her younger siblings and show them how supports and self-care can benefit all those around her. Lillian has explained her experience with SARB from tears to celebration. She feels the supports have made a difference in how she in turn will be not only a success but also a positive role model for her family members.