Resources for Parents and Caregivers
Resources for Parents & Caregivers
This section is designed to provide parents and caregivers with valuable resources, support, and guidance to help ensure your child's well-being and success. Here, you'll find information on attendance policies, support services, and strategies to address various challenges. We are committed to partnering with you to create a nurturing and supportive environment for your child's educational journey, and we value the vital role you play in that journey.
2024-2025 Parent Newsletters
- August | Theme: Back to School Links to an external site.
- September | Theme: September Attendance Awareness Month Links to an external site.
- October | Theme: National Bullying Prevention Month, Dropout Prevention Month, and Positive Attitude Month Links to an external site.
- November | Theme: National Homeless Youth Awareness Month, Holidays and Attendance Dips Links to an external site.
- December | Theme: Special Education, Holiday Season: Attendance Tips for Families Links to an external site.
- Agosto | Tema: Regreso a la escuela Links to an external site.
- Septiembre | Tema: Mes de Conciencia sobre la Asistencia en Septiembre Links to an external site.
- Octubre | Tema: Mes Nacional de la Prevención del Acoso Escolar, Mes de la Prevención del Abandono Escolar y Mes de la Actitud Positiva Links to an external site.
- Noviembre | Tema: Mes Nacional de Concientización sobre Jóvenes sin Hogar, Festividades y Descenso en la Asistencia Links to an external site.
- Diciembre | Tema: Educación Especial, Temporada Navideña: Consejos de Asistencia para Familias Links to an external site.
**To access our newsletters from the 2023-2024 school year, please click the language of your choice: English Links to an external site. | Spanish Links to an external site.
Other Resources
- Attendance: What Parents Need to Know Links to an external site.
- Bullying Resources Links to an external site.
- When to Keep Your Child Home from School or Childcare Links to an external site.