Interdistrict Attendance Appeals

Interdistrict Permit Appeals

California Education Code 48200 provides that a pupil shall attend school in the district in which the parent or legal guardian resides, unless otherwise exempted. A parent whose request for his/her child to attend school outside of the district of residence has been denied may appeal to the Los Angeles County Board of Education. An appeal may be submitted whether the permit request was denied by the district of residence or by the district of desired attendance. Detailed information regarding the interdistrict appeal process can be obtained by viewing the video, reading Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 5117, and/or reading the frequently asked questions found below.


Who can file an interdistrict attendance permit appeal?

Only person(s) having legal custody and holding the educational rights of the student may file an appeal.  

If you are not a biological parent who has legal custody of the student, you must include documentation (see suggested documents below) showing you have been awarded or extended educational rights for us to process your appeal. 

How can I file and appeal?

You can complete an appeal by visiting Links to an external site., registering your email, and submitting the appeal electronically. You will receive a confirmation email once submitted.

Where can the appeal be submitted?

As of May 1, 2024, appeals will only be accepted electronically. The submission site is here: Links to an external site..

When are appeals accepted?

Appeals must be received by the Child Welfare and Attendance Unit within 30 calendar days following the failure or refusal of a district to issue a permit (specifically, the 30-day timeframe begins from the date of the final letter of notice from the district, not the date of receipt by the parent) and will be accepted only after verification that all local administrative remedies have been exhausted. Appeals are accepted during normal business hours: 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. 

What happens if the appeal is submitted after 30 days?

After 30 days, the County Board of Education loses its jurisdiction and cannot require a school district to respond to an appeal. The appeal is considered untimely and cannot be processed. 

If the deadline or 30th day falls on a weekend or holiday, the deadline to file will be extended to the next weekday that is not a holiday. 

What documentation should I attach to my appeal?

Please note: Only submit these items if they are applicable to your student appeal.

  • Your original application for an interdistrict attendance permit with the denying school district, if applicable. (You may not have an application or denial if you are filing outside of the school district's permit application window).
  • The FINAL denial letter for an interdistrict attendance permit from the denying school district, if applicable
  • Proof of student enrollment, such as:
    • Student Transcript
    • Report cards for the past two (2) school years
    • Enrollment history printout from school
  • Proof of residence, such as:
    • Mortgage statement or rental agreement
    • Utility bill (electricity, water, etc.)
    • Bank statement
  • Proof of educational rights (if applicable, i.e. you are not the biological parent), such as:
    • Legal guardianship
    • Custody order/court order
    • Power of Attorney
  • Enrollment information for sibling(s) or other student(s) in the household (please list relationship to student) attending desired school district, if applicable, such as:
    • Name, date of birth, and grade level
    • Proof of student enrollment (see above)
  • Proof of parent employment within the desired school district, if applicable, such as
    • Letter from employer on letterhead
    • Recent paystub
    • Military orders
  • Childcare provider information within the desired school district, if applicable, such as:
    • Name and address of childcare provider
          • If a business, copy of business license
          • If individual, copy of photo ID/driver license and proof of residence within the desired school district (see above for examples)

If you have any questions or need further assistance preparing the appeal, please call the Division of Student Support Services from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at (562) 922-6233 or email our team at