An expulsion is an action to remove a child from school and to limit the kinds of schools the child may attend. An interdistrict transfer is when a student is granted permission by their school district of residence to move to another school district. All appeals must be filed within 30 calendar days from the date of the school district’s written final decision on a case. Forms mailed and postmarked but not actually received by LACOE during the normal business hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and within the 30 calendar days will not be accepted.
Final decisions on all matters that cannot be informally resolved can only be rendered by the County Board. Please visit the specific sites below to obtain information.
Includes appeal form, Representation Consent form, Record of Proceeding Request form, and the Waiver of Timelines Request form. For more information, look under Resources.
Incluye la forma de apelación, formulario de representación/consentimiento, petición del registro de procedimiento y la solicitud para la renuncia de plazos. Para mas información, vea la seccion de recursos (resources).
Who can file an appeal?
A pupil or a pupil's parent or legal guardian (holder of educational rights) may file an appeal with the County Office of Education.
Why should an appeal be filed?
You should file an appeal if you believe that:
1. The conduct for which the pupil was expelled was not related to school activity or school attendance in anyway, or the time it took to expel the pupil was longer than 40 school days absent a request for extension.
2. The expulsion hearing provided by the school district was unfair (e.g., pupil was not allowed representation or allowed to question witnesses or otherwise put on a defense).
3. The school district abused its discretion (e.g., the district did not follow its procedures, did not try other lesser means of correction, or the decision of the district is not supported by substantial evidence).
4. There is relevant and material evidence which could not have been provided earlier, even with the exercise of reasonable diligence, or that was improperly excluded by the district at the hearing.
How is an appeal filed?
You may download an expulsion appeal packet from the expulsion appeal webpage or call the Division of Student Support Services at 562-922-6233. Complete the notice of appeal form and return it to the Division of Student Support Services within 30 calendar days from the date of the school district’s decision to expel.
What happens if an appeal is filed after the 30 days?
After 30 days, the County Board of Education loses its jurisdiction and cannot require a school district to respond to an appeal. The appeal is considered untimely and cannot be processed.
May an expulsion appeal be informally resolved?
Yes, if the notice of appeal is timely filed, a consultant with Attendance and Administrative Services will work with the pupil and their parent or guardian, as well as the school district, to determine if the appeal can be resolved without having a hearing.