

FYS Coordinating Program.png


Parents & Caregivers LEAs & Community Partners

Technical & Data

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Review of the Educational Passport System (EPS) Foster Youth Core database including navigation, JV-535, DCFS 1399 form, transportation/BID, and FAFSA/Postsecondary tab. Audience will also learn the different access roles and available information from different partner views. 


Learning Objectives

  • Participants will understand the different roles and views of users/partners within EPS
  • Participants will know the system collaborations and data share frequencies that feed into EPS
  • Participants will learn new or pending updates to EPS



Virtual-Zoom Web-based Meeting Room


Calendar of Events

Coming Soon!


Schedule a Training 

To schedule this free training for your staff, please click here (Links to an external site.) and a team member may reach out to you at their earliest convenience. 

School Stability

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Addresses the process of determining the student’s best interest also known as a best interest determination (BID). The transportation component of school stability and collaboration with child welfare agencies is also covered.

Learning Objectives

  • Participants will be able to accurately define School of Origin as defined by Every Student Succeed Act (ESSA).
  • Participants will be able to identify the multiple types and sources of notification of a students’ change of enrollment.
  • Participants will demonstrate understanding of the Best Interest Determination (BID) process and EPS data entry responsibilities.
  • Participants will be able to describe the transportation options available for meeting the ESSA mandate.



Virtual- Zoom Web-Based Meeting Room


Calendar of Events

Coming Soon!

Schedule a Training 

To schedule this free training for your staff, please click here (Links to an external site.) and a team member may reach out to you at their earliest convenience. 

Capacity Build